KITCHENÂ Apply mixture Mix _ cup of Bleach to?1 litre of water, then rinse thoroughly.
GARBAGE BINSÂ Rinse first, pour undiluted. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse clean.
TOILETSÂ Flush Toilet. Pour in and around the bowl. ?Clean with brush. Leave for 10 minutes then flush.
BATHROOMÂ Clean surface first, wipe over with Bleach, leave for 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
HAND WASHINGÂ Mix 1/4 cup of Bleach to 5?litres of water. Allow 5 minutes. Wash normally, rinse well.
STUBBORN STAINSÂ Wash article in cold water. ?Soak in mixture of bleach and water for 5 minutes. ?Rinse well, wash normally